Monday, July 20, 2009

A Day at Times Square

Adam has been telling me that he wants to ride the public bus for quite a while. So, with my sister-in-law's suggestion, we took the bus to Port Authority (from norther Jersey) and walked over to Times Square where Tia (my SIL) works. There, Adam played a game on the big screen by calling the number displayed and pressing the cell phone keys to move the person left, right, up, and down to get her to cross the street. Tia and Adam played for 10 minutes. We got to see Tia's office, she has a magnificent view of times square. How nice it must be to go to work everyday for her. Then Adam and I went to Toys R Us store across the street. It was amazing! If you've ever been to FAO Shwartz, this was about the same grand scale.
Then, we went down to the first floor where they had an indoor carousal! Tia also suggested we go to Bryant Park afterward, but both Adam and I were so tired from walking around so much (and no stroller). So perhaps next time we will go back to visit Tia again and go to Bryant park together. It was a fun packed day and Adam was so tired from a day of excitement, he fell asleep as soon as we got on the bus ride home.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, please come again. You and Adam are great lunchtime company!
